Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Stoned House gets a stripper for the night!

Stoned House staff decided to go ahead and get a stripper to clean the floors of the new meditation space. Q, temporary SH staffer negotiated hard to get a deal to get the stripper for $145 for two days- we even got to keep it over-night!

Who let the dogs out?!

over the past few weeks, the dogs of the Stone House have reasserted their authority as the primary rulers of the land.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Widsom and Compassion in Action

Our first contemplative retreat here was led in October by internationally acclaimed Dharma teacher Michele McDonald.

After a week of hard drinking and wandering the streets of Mebane, Michele rolled into the meditation hall a few hours late for the day-long -her hair in curlers and smoking her usual cigarette. She mumbled something about "the secret teachings" and went around bopping yogis on the head with the her right flip-flop. It was a strange and yet magical retreat for all of us involved.

We hope to have her back soon, perhaps after she's had a little more time to rest and clean up.